Friday 3 May 2013


I found it this dead dog this morning while walking mine. İt had been tied up and left on the beach. It had tried to dig under the concrete for shade. Temp here is 30c by 9am, I will let you guess what temp it would be at midday on the beach. 

To make things worst it was not far from fresh water or proper shade.  It would have been kinder to have just let it loose so it would have had a chance.

This scene is not uncommon here in Turkey. So many dogs are just dumped when the family are bored with them and often this is when they are still young. There are very few dog homes here so they all end up on the street. I am forever finding dead dogs by the side of the road.

Pet dogs are not common and for a lot of Turkish the idea of having a dog live in the home is mad.