Friday 21 November 2014


My 9 year old American Cocker Spaniel Eros before and after I played with the photo.  It was orginally filmed in Black and White.

Friday 14 November 2014

Ear Pierced

So today I had my ear pierced again, one in the lobe and one at the top.  The other half come home 3 hours ago and still has not noticed.  All I can say is I am glad I did it for me and not him.  Winner of the Most Obserant goes to the Best Beloved.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Nothing Special

Morning at the Gym finished, now for some quiet time with the dogs before their afternoon walk.

Life is good for this Beachbum

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Winter is coming

Ares enjoying the return of his television our wood burner.  Now we have heat and he has something to keep him amused.

Sunday 28 September 2014

2014 Alanya ITU Triathlon World Cup

The last 2 days has seen Alanya centre closed to traffic as the 2014 Alanya ITU Triathlon World Cup took place.

A selection of photos from Saturday 27 September 2014


Wednesday 20 August 2014


Short video of Eros trying to run on some icy snow in the Taurus Mountains just above us.  Taken in January 2012

Saturday 19 July 2014

Baby Turtle making it way to Mediterranean Sea

A beautiful welcome to the day as I met this little fellow while walking Hebe this morning.  Makes getting up at 5 am worth it.

Wednesday 9 July 2014


From left to right: Ares (50% American Cocker Spaniel), Hebe (English Cocker Spaniel), Kalipso (American Cocker Spaniel) and Eros (American Cocker Spaniel)

Wednesday 2 July 2014

88th Turkish Maritime and Cabotage Day

Yesterday, 1 July, was the Turkish Maritime and Cabotage Day.  This is celebrated around the Turkish coast.  The event started here in Alanya with a wreath being place at sea.  We then had a parade of boats which now are the local tour boats.  In the past it would have been the local fishing boats.

Other events were a rowing race, swimming race, a parade of jet skis and a display by a jet boot wearer.

The event that really draw the locals was the walking/running of a greased pole placed out to sea by the young men (and some not so young) of Alanya.  The aim was to get to the end and retrieve a flag.  However this year someone got a bit carried away with the grease and no one was able to get even half way until they throw some sand over the grease.  Even with eh sand the going was tough and someone had to crawl along the pole and wipe some of the grease off.  At last one of the boys was able to reach and remove the flag.

The greased pole

Parade of boats

Jet boots
Jet Boots
Jet Boots
Swimming race
Jet skis

Walking the pole

Walking the pole

Tuesday 1 July 2014


My 50% American Cocker Spaniel, Ares  giving his sister my English Cocker Spaniel, Hebe, a big kiss

Sunday 29 June 2014

Dim Çay

Just had a quiet day having a BBQ on the side of the Dim River.  It was good to get away from the heat of Alanya.  Especially enjoyed by the dogs who got some extra chicken.

Thursday 12 June 2014

An evening walk with the dogs

Kalipso having a rest
Sun setting behind Alanya Castle
2 of the dogs decided they wanted to go out so off to the beach we went and I took the chance to take a few evening pictures

Wednesday 11 June 2014