Tuesday 26 February 2013

My Ares

Picture of Ares taken last February 2012

He still gives me the "nobody loves me look" but then they all do it.  They know how to make me feel guilt even when I have given them everything.

Friday 22 February 2013

Thursday 21 February 2013

Trial of having a Puppy

Having an energetic puppy at home again has meant a few changes.  One being any floor exercises are out of the question and my quiet morning time has disappeared  We also have to remember walk around the apartment with our eyes on the floor in case she has left any little present.

She even managed to come on our morning walk and wait until she got home before she went to the toilet.  But when she sits there looking up at me with big brown eyes you just have to forgive her.

Wednesday 20 February 2013


Ok before I post about life here in Turkey maybe I should tell a little about who we all are.  First there is me, I moved to Turkey 8 years ago and have not intention of returning to England.  There is my partner Mustafa who is Turkish.  We have been together about 6 years.

Now for the most important members of the family.  First we have 8 year old Eros, an American Cocker Spaniel (he adopted me). next we have 5 year old Ares 50% American Cocker, our mistake (he was meant to go to a friend) and then there is 4 year old Kalipso (American Cocker and Eros' daughter).  Still more to come, we have 2 year Phoenix our green and yellow budgie and finally our newest member Hebe a 2 month old American Cocker (with a good chance she is related to Eros and Kalipso).  :

So that is us, I will tell the stories of how we all come together later but I do have another addition to the family for a few days - Aşil, Eros' son and Kalipso's brother so life is a bit hectic at the moment and not helped by the fact it has decided to rain.  :(

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Quiet Evening

Well summer must be coming, a neighbour has put a sun umbrella out on her balcony.  Think she was a bit keen as its raining tonight.

Dogs all curled up in front of the fire.  I want another glass of tea but don't want to wake them by getting up.

Day 1

So I have decided it is time to start boring everyone with my life and why not others do.

I am sitting here with a 2 month puppy on my lap and 3 other dogs taking up the rest of the sofa.  Me I get 2"

Little Hebe is laying on her back enjoying her tummy being rubbed while I enjoy her being still for 5 minutes