Monday 9 March 2015

New Family Member

Last week we welcomed a new member to our family.  A street dog who we have called Zeki.  She was dumped near us last year along with her 5 sisters and 1 brother.  I would leave food out for them.  Over time they the others have moved on or the Council managed to catch them but Zeki stayed.

Well she started joining us on our walks and would wait outside for her meals.  Mustafa and I decided we needed to get her speyed as we did not want to have to deal with any puppies.  So on Saturday 28 February we took her to the Vet for her operation.  The intention was that she would stay with us for a few days and then we would let her back on the street and continue as before.

And so we did on Tuesday night we let her off the lead.  She ran off and we continued with walking our dogs.  5 minutes after we go home there was some howling outside.  Mustafa went out and there she was sitting by the main door.  When the door was opened she walked right in.

Life has changed again.

Zeki and Eros before the operation

Zeki after her operation

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