Monday 4 March 2013

All Change

Well things turned out differently then I expected the other day.  The morning started as normal, walked and fed the dogs, did the housework.  My friend Linda was due over for our normal weekly met.  So I decided to bake some new bread for us to try, dough started, all going well.

So here came change no: 1 -  Received a message from Linda around  9 to say that she was not feeling too well so she was not coming maybe if she felt better she would come later.  Oh well more bread for me.

No worries I think, I will just take the dogs to the Vet to get the first round of injections for Hebe and to introduce the others to the new Vet and then call into the greengrocer for a few things followed by a walk on the beach with the dogs.

Change no: 2 - just arriving at the Vets when I receive a call from Mustafa.  Can I take the dogs straight home when I had finished at the Vets and then go to his mother's.  I was needed to take her and his Grandma up to Grandma's village as his Great Uncle had just died.  Sure no worries but there was one more thing.  Mustafa's Mother looks after his 3 year old nephew Fatih in the afternoons so he would come with us and then I was to take him home and look after him for the afternoon.

Vets done and family collected.  We drive up to the village with Grandma alternating between crying and praying.  Dropped Mother and Grandma in the village and Faith and I go home.

No real problems as Faith and I do OK together once I put the dogs in the kitchen.  Just as well Linda did not come but then after Fatih had gone home and I had fed and water everyone.  Mustafa went of to play football and then I receive a call from Linda to say she was coming over.  So there when my quiet evening.

Maybe I will not plan my days any more.

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